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Meet the Studio Rio Team


Clarissa Pena

This is Clarissa Pena, founder of Studio Rio Integrated Pilates.


Clarissa has been working with movement and rehabilitation since 1996. She has a background in dance and as a Physiotherapist graduated in Brazil.


In 1999 Clarissa was introduced to Pilates after serious back surgery, while healing she learned that Pilates and movement education was crucial for her rehabilitation.


Clarissa believes that everybody has the right to learn about their bodies. She chose Pilates as the main way to deliver well-being to people. Clarissa believes movement is an essential part of life and helping people connect or reconnect with their bodies is what motivates her the most.


Clarissa’s approach mixes her vast experience in biomechanics and movement education. Her extensive knowledge of anatomy and physiology empowers her to work with different bodies and many different physical conditions with great success. Clarissa is also a teacher trainer and mentor. She has trained and mentored many Pilates teachers in Canada and Brazil in the last 8 years. 


Clarissa knows that to become a credible professional you need technical knowledge, good ethics and good communication skills.


Fernanda Oaigen

Fernanda is passionate about empowering and inspiring people to self-care through movement.  During her 13 years of experience as a physical therapist, she earned her degree in Brazil as well as other complementary courses that contributed to a large knowledge in this environment.


With a strong commitment to ongoing learning, since 2011, the Global Postural Reeducation and Pilates course was the guidance of her capacity to identify unbalance and to improve functionality in different people and situations. Moreover, the certification in Emotional balance and the relation with the human body allowed her to additional look for the deep connection between the body and our feelings.


In her journey, over 10 years, she played a pivotal role in the lives of amateurs athletes inside the running and triathlon field, focus in both rehabilitation and prevention injuries. Beyond her professional expertise, Fernanda has personally walked the path of half-marathon, marathon and triathlon, gaining invaluable insights into the physical and mental demands of these disciplines.


As a talk-active person and extremely friendly, she believes that building good relationships and connections with people are the biggest human values.  Making a positive impact in people’s lives and being capable of giving them a quality of life are her main professional goals. 


Oriana Pagnotta

Oriana (she/her) is a dedicated and empathetic Pilates and movement educator. As a Mat & Reformer Certified Pilates Instructor, she is passionate about supporting each person’s journey and believes in the power of life-long movement to experience our bodies in motion.


Oriana has been practicing Pilates since 2004 and teaching since 2021. Her practice grew from her parallel career as a dance artist, where she has explored the functional and creative possibilities of human expression for over 20 years. Oriana holds a B.A. with Distinction in Dance (University of Calgary, Dance & Kinesiology), and is a DanceAbility®International certified teacher.


She loves sharing the mind-body connection of Pilates for everybody and creates inclusive space with a one-size-fits-one approach. Oriana cares deeply about each person’s experience and emphasizes empowered autonomy to embrace movement choices.


Her multifaceted experience spans across exercise, dance, disability, somatics, rehabilitation, and active aging. As an avid learner, Oriana continuously expands her education to share a mindful, nuanced style to the transformative power of movement.


Veruska Pimentel

Veruska, an extroverted, friendly, and highly communicative individual, has been passionate about sports and movement since childhood. She firmly believes that human relationships are the most important and valuable aspects of our existence.


Graduating in Kinesiology in Brazil in 2008, Veruska has specialized in Functional Training and has been dedicated to Pilates since 2010. Her professional journey is marked by a deep commitment to enhancing people's ability to move with quality and efficiency.


With 14 years of experience, Veruska brings her expertise to the Studio Rio family. She remains highly motivated to continue learning and updating her skills to help more people take care of their bodies.


Veruska believes moving with quality, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and fostering positive human relationships with affection and respect are key to making the world a better place.

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Lindsay Dixon

Lindsay (she/her) has over 20 years of experience in the health and wellness industry. She is an Osteopathic Manual Practitioner, Certified Athletic Therapist, Registered Kinesiologist and a Comprehensive Pilates Instructor. 


She has extensive experience working with recreational and competitive athletes including being part of the medical team for Pan Am Games (gymnastics, trampoline) in 2015, Invictus games (wheelchair basketball) 2017 and Skate Canada championships in 2020. Lindsay has always been drawn to the power of movement having participated in several ½ marathons, marathons and triathlons.


Her training enables her to work with all individuals, ages and abilities. 

Lindsay believes in the body’s ability to heal. It’s her passion to assist and facilitate this process of self-healing through osteopathic manual therapy, therapeutic movement & exercise including Pilates, so the balance of health can be restored and maintained for a lifetime. 


She has a deep appreciation and understanding of the unity and interconnectivity of the body, with a particular interest in the mind-body connection, and the effects of stress on the body.   Her research in Generalized Anxiety disorder was published in the peer reviewed Journal of American Osteopathic Association March 2020 issue. 


She believes Pilates holistic approach taps into the mind-body connection and can result in a transformative effect on the person.




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Beth Beauchemin

Beth has been involved with physical activities and movement since very young. As a teenager, she loved sports like skiing, swimming and horseback riding.


She was introduced to strength training in high school and that started a lifelong love affair with exercise, fitness, and movement education.

Beth studied Kinesiology at university, and the University of Calgary's definition of kinesiology as "the art of and science movement" has always resonated with her. When she first was introduced to Pilates she found that this definition was perfect to express how Pilates felt for herself.

Beth worked as a personal trainer and group exercise instructor in Montreal. It was in Montreal that she started adding Pilates to her personal strength routine to improve posture. She found that adding some of the pilates principles (especially precision and control) to traditional strength training had wonderful results for herself and her clients.  


Later on, Beth moved to Toronto, and Pilates continued as a personal practice and informally sprinkled into client sessions.  In 2007 she took her first plunge into pilates training and completed the Mat certification. She also attended many continuing education workshops, always with a focus on using pilates to improve the results of clients in the gym.  At one point, she realized that she just wanted to focus on Pilates so embarked on the journey to get fully certified in Pilates. For the past 6 years, Beth has taught exclusively Pilates, finding a great balance in the ability to challenge the body in a way that leaves people feeling more confident and more aware than when they walked in.



We have witnessed a lot of changes and progress in the way people move over all these years in which we work with Pilates. Our mission is to inform and educate more and more people about the importance and relevance of having movement as a priority in our lives. Movement is for all! It doesn’t matter your age or your fitness level. Studio Rio can help you find a routine of exercises that you enjoy and that you can commit with.

Call now! 

Business Hours








11:00am -4:00pm

9:30 am – 7:30 pm

8:30 am – 7:30 pm

8:00 am – 7:30 pm

8:00 am – 7:30 pm

8:00 am – 3:30 pm

9:00 am – 1:00 pm

563 Mt Pleasant Rd

Toronto, ON M4S 2M5

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